Living alone has become increasingly common among American adults. While this arrangement offers unparalleled freedom and the chance to self-reflect, it also comes with specific challenges – especially the risk of feeling isolated or experiencing depressive symptoms.

The CDC has issued a new report about self-reported depression statistics among American adults, based on whether they lived alone or with others. Respondents in single-person households reported higher levels of depression compared to those living with roommates or family. This stark revelation prompts a detailed exploration into the connection between mood and companionship.

The Connection Between Mood and Isolation

Physical or emotional isolation can significantly impact your mental health. Humans are inherently social, and meaningful connections are essential to our well-being. The absence of these interactions can lead to feelings of loneliness, which research consistently links to increased depression risk.

Living alone without a robust social network can amplify feelings of isolation, making it a significant factor in the mood disturbances many people experience. Consider these strategies for living alone without being lonely.

  1. Cultivate a social network: Regular interactions with friends, family and colleagues can help you feel loved and appreciated. Make time every week to connect with loved ones online, by phone or text or in person.
  2. Be active in your community: Sign up for group activities that align with your interests. Taking classes, joining a sports team or volunteering can provide a sense of belonging.
  3. Find connections online: Online forums, social media groups and virtual meetups let you find people who share your interests or experiences.
  4. Adopt a pet: Pets offer steadfast companionship and unconditional love, which benefit people who live alone. The responsibility of caring for a pet can also provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
  5. Develop a routine: Establishing a daily routine can structure your day and provide stability. Incorporate self-care like exercise, reading or creative pursuits.
  6. Stay physically active: Exercise is a proven mood booster. Find a workout you enjoy, such as yoga, running or cycling, to keep your body and mind healthy.
  7. Seek professional support: If feelings of loneliness or depression become overwhelming, don’t hesitate to get help from a mental health professional. Therapy can provide valuable tools and strategies for coping with these feelings.
  8. Invest in personal growth: Use your time wisely to focus on bettering yourself. Learn a new skill, read a book or start a project you’ve been putting off. Accomplishments can boost your self-esteem and improve your overall mental health.
  9. Avoid substance use: Some people use alcohol and drugs to combat feelings of loneliness and depression. Unfortunately, addiction can worsen your mental health and leave you stuck in a vicious cycle.

Schedule Your Intake Call Today

Living alone presents a unique set of challenges and opportunities. While there is a risk of feeling isolated or experiencing depression, it is possible to lead a fulfilling life filled with meaningful connections and activities.

At Recovery Without Walls, we recognize the growing need for integrative treatment plans that address every aspect of a client’s life. Our treatment approach emphasizes ketamine-assisted psychotherapy, nutritional strategies, dietary supplements and lifestyle interventions. Connect with us today if you struggle with your mental wellness.