We have received many recent inquiries about the nature and importance of our medical practice and treatment methods. In response, we would like to release the following information:
Recovery Without Walls is a individualized, outpatient clinic that provides treatment for chronic pain, chemical dependency, and prescription medication management issues, as well as problems with alcohol. Founded and directed by Dr. Howard Kornfeld, the practice is based in Mill Valley, CA. We view our work at Recovery Without Walls to be particularly relevant due to the current opiate crisis in the United States. Presently, millions of patients in the United States are dependent on prescription opiates, many at high doses, to treat chronic pain conditions, while countless others in the U.S. and worldwide are suffering from under-treated acute, subacute, and chronic pain.
Fortunately, there are safe and effective treatment options for opioid dependency and pain. Dr. Kornfeld is a nationally recognized expert in the use of buprenorphine (the active ingredient in Suboxone® or Subutex®), a medication used for opiate detoxification, maintenance therapy, and pain management. When acute detoxification treatment is required, we arrange 24-hour nursing care, supervised by Dr. Kornfeld. Treating addiction and pain with medication is only one component of an integrated program, which can also consist of psychotherapy and lifestyle changes.
While we face many challenges in treating addiction and chronic pain (both together and separately), we are encouraged by recent developments in national drug policy. Of note is a new bipartisan White House budget commitment of $1.1 billion in funding for drug treatment programs in 2017. It will primarily expand medication-assisted treatment, especially buprenorphine, for prescription opiate and heroin addiction.
We are grateful to participate in this meaningful dialogue.
Dr. Kornfeld will be providing additional information on these topics next week with several other medical leaders at the American Pain Society, Symposia, “Using Buprenorphine to Mitigate the Major Hazards of Traditional Opiates.”